Why Should Fashion Buying Be From Trend Forecasting to Shop Floor?


Why Should Fashion Buying Be From Trend Forecasting to Shop Floor?

Trends come and go and the latest fashion always seems to dominate the shopping environment and buying in trend forecasting is a great way to understand what is popular with the masses. This information can be crucial when sourcing out suppliers, fabric stores and manufacturers. It also provides you with information on where to shop. The main benefit of trends is that they are relatively easy to understand. Everyone wears some form of trend whether consciously or not and it is important to understand fashion trends as they will dictate certain styles that fit particular occasions. Trend forecasting has made it possible for those who follow fashion trends to get an insight into what will be popular in the future which provides them with the knowledge to buy appropriately.

When buying from trend forecasting to shop floor, the major benefit of using such forecasting methods is that they provide you with information at the source, rather than being at the end of the trend line, trying to make sense of it all. Trend forecasts provide the simple user with the ability to understand trends at the point of purchase and thus making fashion decisions accordingly. Some might argue that using trends alone to make fashion decisions could be dangerous because trends could easily lead to mass panic and even social disorder. If large scale panic and disorder were to occur then the economy would crumble and life in Britain would return to the norm. Thus trends may actually have a benefit; they indicate the direction of a trend but do not necessarily state how the trend will affect the marketplace.

The other major benefit of trends is that they allow manufacturers of fabrics and garments to produce items that will not just meet fashion criteria, but that will also be comfortable and stylish. As previously stated the majority of clothing and accessories are designed to be worn and looked at. By offering clothing and accessories that are fashionable but also comfortable, the fashion industry is catering for a different segment of the market and doing so in an efficient manner. All clothing items will however fall within a fashion umbrella and each item should be representative of the latest trends currently being pursued by manufacturers and retailers everywhere. If a company is able to distinguish itself from the rest of the pack by providing something no one else can then it will be successful in the fashion industry.
